The gorgeous weather this weekend put me into a great mood. I experienced the bittersweet exchange of my ski gear for my tennis racket and lacrosse stick, but I’m welcoming this hint of spring with open arms. Along with this warmer weather comes uplifting music. At the moment, my song of choice is Jon Schmidt's arrangement of 'Viva la Vida' by Coldplay and 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift. The piano (Jon Schmidt) and cello (Stephen Sharp Nelson) combination is out of this world--and to make it even better, Schmidt arranged this song for his daughter. It’s six minutes of feel-GREAT music. I think my favorite parts are at 3:40 and then at 4:26. I love both of these songs and never would have guessed how well they go together. Perfect for lying outside or doing homework!
Here's the youtube link: Love Story meets Viva la Vida

Happy Monday!
AHH I love this song! Perfection to the core. Sidenote...buy that dress in your last post...you've been talking about it for months. You'll eventually have somewhere to wear it!!!